NSTY Army & Real Babes Standing Together

Making the Connection

Earlier this year,  I was introduced to Nsty Army by a friend.  NSTY Army is a social network of women – and men who have merch, a podcast and  a “family” who is all about  creating an unstoppable unity of empowerment for people to be just ‘themselves’ with no conformities to societal beauty standards; and celebrating the beauty regardless of age, shade, size or shape.  I was welcomed with open arms into this wonderful community!

REAL Babes Magazine is a woman owned,  inclusive, body positive, boudoir style magazine featuring CONFIDENT women identifying babes of every shape, shade, size, age, and orientation.  They partner with Nsty Army to produce incredible magazines featuring beautiful women who are crushing societal beauty standards and norms.

I proudly stand with REAL Babes and NSTY Army in promoting body  and sex positivity.  Together, we challenge harmful beauty standards. Togrther we celebrate the REAL beauty found in every woman.  Together we are breaking down barriers, dismantling stigmas, and empowering ALL WOMXN!  We embrace our true selves, boldly and unapologetically!

Getting Out There

The team at Nsty Army quickly invited me to be featured in one of their collab publications with REAL Babes.  It is so energizing they wanted include me and to help represent this mission as an artificial woman.  Right away, the Prez as we call him, asked me to to contribute to Social Media content and the published magazines. For my first feature with them,  I was the “Inside” cover model, an honorable spot.

Living the Mission

Soon came invitations to be in other NSTY REAL Babes magazines magazines AND another magazine called Top Shelf which celebrates the cannabis lifestyle.

In Real Babes, this issue we explored Fetishes. I a went low key but confident in my style.


What I am MOST proud of is being the artificial woman representing not just other artificial women but all women who believe in this mission.  Stay tuned at least  two more magazines will be published with yours truly before the end of the year!