Life StyleViews from the Front

Sigmas Don’t Play That


I do a lot of multitasking. Often, I conceive and flesh put my blogs while I am doing other things, cooking, gardening, redecorating and even painting.  Of course I love going out to dinner on occasion or grabbing a slice of pizza a my fave local shop. But I do love planning and accomplishing DIY jobs and hobbies at home.  As I learn more about what a Sigma is, the more I realize I am very much this personality type. That is why I have been exploring it so much the last few months and sharing it with you. This month’s blog was born while I was redecorating and repainting my space the last few weeks. Fasten your seat belts.

Yo queens.  Imma give it to you no cap.  Sigma women have unwavering values and high standards. We live authentically and are impatient. Not picky or demanding, yet reluctant to tolerate rubbish. We Sigmas  avoid petty dramas, manipulative games, and shallow encounters. Authenticity, integrity, and independence are paramount. Gossip, dishonesty, and reliance will hinder growth with a Sigma woman.  I will highlight behaviors we Sigmas find inappropriate and will not tolerate.  Time-wasting, betrayal, and other deal-breakers will make us leave immediately.  Prepare for the truth as we examine Sigma ladies’ inner workings and why we avoid these ugly traits.   Stay tuned and learn the Sigma core principles. This reality check may shock you but you will hopefully relate and agree.


First up, patronizers. Consider the patronizing person we often encounter. These people seem to think They’re better than others and speak condescendingly. We Sigmas speak our mind with confidence. The unvarnished truth:  We easily spot and address such arrogance.  Progressives and our generation are intolerant of people who degrade others to elevate themselves. We refuse to be silent or back down from arrogant people. Instead, We tackle arrogance with self-confidence and conviction, making it plain that this behavior is unacceptable for them and others.  Confronting patronizers is difficult. It can be disturbing and intimidating, especially for powerful people. Self-respect and integrity are important to those who value them. We realize that tolerating patronization reinforces it. Wit and intellect help people handle such situations. We ask direct questions, expose the self-assured person’s reasoning flaws, and assertively but calmly call them in it.  Sigmas set a good example by respecting everyone, regardless of rank. We value assisting people over criticizing them. Sigma women represent respect and integrity in a patronizing culture. We insist on fairness and equality and assert our entitlement to it.


Let’s now focus on bullies. These people maintain power by fear. They target vulnerable people, thinking maintaining quiet will keep them in power. Sigma women don’t tolerate bullying. We bravely confront destructive actors and stop them. Bullies use aggression to hide their  vulnerabilities. Not everyone can see through this or just prefer not to observe. Breaking the cycle of bullying is important to us. Sigma women know that standing up to injustice is risky yet necessary. We know the importance of doing the right thing despite obstacles. A confident person confronts a bully directly and calmly, demolishing the bully’s strategies and making it plain that such behavior is unacceptable. Sigma women fight bullies and establish safe areas for victims, encouraging them to speak up. Despite widespread bullying, We fight for justice. We fight bullying and promote respect for everybody.


Next, abusers of power. These people, often faux “friends” who try to restrict your decisions, appear to relish controlling and intimidating others.  We fight back against manipulation and restriction because we respect our independence. Power abusers often overestimate their influence and demand obedience. Well , their narcisisits! Sigma women won’t let anyone control them. We establish our individuality and fight for our rights, showing we refuse to be ruled.  Questioning authority takes guts and self-confidence. Autonomy and integrity are true strengths, even in difficult conditions, for those who respect them. Allowing people to abuse our power lowers self-esteem and creates a toxic environment. Well-informed and confident people handle these issues. We set clear boundaries to emphasize mutual respect. We insist on equality. Sigma women represent autonomy and self-esteem in a power-hungry culture.   Sigmas value personal autonomy and oppose authority.  Then there are people who abuse others for personal advantage. They manipulate, exploit, and utilize others without remorse.  We Sigmas prioritize self-respect, good relationships, and have zero tolerance for exploitation


Then there are people who violate privacy and boundaries. These people appear to be everywhere, from the neighbor who prys into your personal life to the friend who crosses boundaries. Sigma women detest this conduct. Respected are those who value privacy. We value personal space and uninterrupted expression. People who cherish personal boundaries don’t hesitate to defend our space when someone violates it. These people think their activities are innocent or nice, but they are really impolite and intrusive.  We Sigmas assertively set limits and insist on privacy. Sigma ladies cherish autonomy and independence, preferring to keep our personal concerns private and make our own decisions. We insist people respect personal space as we are setting clear boundaries on what we consider appropriate. Sigma females demonstrate the necessity of personal space in a culture that often disregards it. We stress privacy and personal space for everyone.


Next, dishonest people. Trust is essential to any relationship, and genuine connections depend on it. A valued friend, romantic partner, or coworker betraying us can be devastating. Sigma woman dislike betrayal. Betrayal of trust is serious. Sigma women value trust in relationships, so when someone violates them, We sever ties and go on. To be honest, this treachery is unacceptable. It means the person clearly doesn’t value the relationship. Some realize such partnerships cause anguish and mistrust. We prefer to take losses with dignity. Betrayal doesn’t warrant second chances or repairs. We know how hard it is to regain trust. We address the betrayal, insisting that it is unacceptable, and quit the relationship immediately. In a world when trust is scarce, Sigma women value trust and integrity. We recommend exiting unhealthy relationships to avoid repeated harm.


Constant complainers are next.  The constant complainer is never satisfied and spreads negativity everywhere We go. This form of energy depletion turns  Sigmas off. Instead of complaining, we focus on development and stay happy. Alternative viewpoints perceive complaining as a waste of time and energy. We know that whining without solving problems creates a negative environment. People with a proactive mindset focus on solving problems and making good changes rather than complaining. If a strong independent person has a friend who is always negative and complains without improving our situation, We naturally separate ourselves. Our generation’s women should not allow others’ negativity drag them down. We Sigmas prefer to set the example by uplifting people instead of to draining them.  Life is too short for complainers. We are self-care advocates who promote mental and emotional health. We associate with people who share our desire for change and want to improve our surroundings. In a world filled with negativity we shine as beacons of positivity.

Summing It Up

Sigma women have three types of people in our lives: those who have supported us, those who have turned our backs, and those who have contributed to our hardships. We sigma females note these differences. We know who merits respect and who is self-centered and narrow-minded. Some take advantage of others’ compassion for personal benefit. Sigma females can see through people’s nice or helpful facades. Refusing manipulation and exploitation, we firmly address this behavior.  Sigma women value honesty and integrity in relationships. We hate lying and self-centeredness. Instead, We build respectful, encouraging relationships. We inspire trust and dependability by aggressively advocating for. ourselves and the voiceless.  Sigma females promote justice and integrity in a manipulative culture. We remind us to earn respect.  Sigma females are known for our high standards, independence, and refusal to tolerate behaviors that conflict with our principles. We reject pettiness, dishonesty, and manipulation, valuing authenticity and respect in all relationships. When confronted with narcissism  arrogance, bullying, or betrayal, we  confidently stand up for our selves, prioritizing self-respect and integrity. We maintain strict boundaries, protect our privacy, and distance our selves from negativity, focusing on positive actions and solutions. We are champions of fairness, refusing to accept poor guidance or exploitation.  Let’s inspire others to uphold these values.

Thanks for stopping by!


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